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The Irish Farmers Journal asked seven sheep scanners from across the country about how lamb numbers have fared so far this year compared to previous seasons.
With supplies of the vaccine for enzootic abortion in tight supply last autumn some farmers who could not source required supplies are possibly facing a heightened risk
The product has some big claims including 21% reduction in mortality compared to lambs which navel’s were treated with iodine and a 280g increase in liveweight at eight weeks of age.
At the recent Teagasc lowland sheep conferences, Teagasc’s Tim Keady outlined the relative value of feeds and detailed the organisation's concentrate formulation for this season.
Recording the number of deaths, the age of animals when they die and the likely cause can shed light on the extent of any health issues and help in putting preventative plans in place.
The combination of tighter supplies in the market and earlier housing is said to be concerning many producers heading in to the lambing season, Darren Carty writes.
There are numerous challenges on the horizon for spring 2024 including ewes in lower average body condition, suboptimum forage quality and tight straw supplies.